Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vote for CLUB SUPER STAR for Pepsi Refresh Project

Help ADHD kids learn easier, retain more, focus & excel in school.

Vote for this cause and give it a chance to win and have support from Pepsi!

Project Overview:
Club Super Star uses specialized physical fitness and sports programs to help kids with ADD, ADHD and other learning disabilities positively impact their brain function so they can learn better, retain more and focus longer. This physical activity program is combined with specialized academic tutoring and behavior management training in a positive, nurturing environment that helps kids build confidence, self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment, as well as give them valuable tools for success not just in school, but in life. Published studies prove that regular exercise positively affects brain chemistry and helps to spur the growth of new receptors in certain brain areas that can reduce or even eliminate ADD and ADHD symptoms like inattention, fidgeting, focus and impulsivity. The program helps them turn their unique characteristics into strengths. They can then learn easier, focus better, and retain what they learn...and stay physically fit in the process!

This grant from Pepsi will make it all possible and really make a difference!!!

It costs nothing and takes less than a minute of your time to help out - so please vote today and encourage everyone you know to vote too by forwarding this email or one of your own! We have a Facebook page and a website that talks about the program, and you can view the "homemade" video we put together to learn more. 

You can vote by visiting the Pepsi Refresh site and you can vote from Facebook!/pages/Club-Superstar/134649416559731 (you can find the link there to vote from facebook and if the link doesn't work search Club Superstar) and even easier you can Text- 104574 to 
Pepsi (73774). You can vote once a day from each of the above options so please help me out and vote and spread the word every way you can. Blast it out on Twitters, emails, on websites anyway you can.

Thank you for spending you time to read this and for helping us reach our goal for extending aid for kids who has ADHD. Let's give them hope for a better life by voting for this cause. :)
-- Tia xoxo